Thursday, March 30, 2017

Stations of the Cross at WAC

You may have noticed that there's a poster in WAC for the Stations of the Cross. This is ultimately sponsored by Eric Doolittle through Ministry and Service. If anyone has any questions about it, please refer them to Eric.

I can't be for certain, but I believe the poster will be up until Easter (April 16). Please make sure this stays prominent and upright in its spot.

Thank you!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Hey guys,

I just wanted to remind everyone to stamp all posters before letting organizations put them up at the designated places. You are not required to put the posters up but is more than welcome if you wish to. However, everyone is required to take outdated posters down during your shifts.


Friday, March 10, 2017

Electronic Vehicle Charging Information--response needed!

Friendly reminder that we have the access to the Electric Vehicle Charging stations.

To quickly catch you up:
In front of Old Main, there are 2 charging stations if anyone has an electric vehicle. This requires a Chargepoint Card that is in the cash box at the WAC front desk. In the menu on the left side of this blog, there is the link to the online form that eventually needs to be filled out with the information of the person using the charge card. Whatever you're more comfortable filling out (paper or online form) is fine, but the online form needs to have ALL of the information on it.

**Please confirm that you've read this blog post (and understand) by indicating your favorite breakfast item in the comments**


Monday, March 6, 2017

WAC Elevator Under Construction

Here's the "real" first post for Rachel:

Please be aware that annual testing for select elevators will occur Wednesday March 8th and Thursday March 9th. The testing should take approximately 45 minutes per elevator. Technicians are able to operate the elevators for individuals should the need arise. 

Please reach out to the Maintenance Department at x5660 should you have any questions or concerns. 

The anticipated testing schedule is as follows: 
WAC 1:00 - 1:45pm

Rachel's First Post!!

This is (finally) Rachel's first post!! Hooray!! Send her some love in the comments below :).

Monday, February 27, 2017

Team Projects

Hey again,

As we discussed this past Saturday, I am assigning side projects to some of you who will be working together during your shifts. Below is the list of groups and the side projects. Let me know if you have any questions.

  1. Stasia and Cheyenne: Navigating the sound systems at the desk and upstairs WAC.
  2. Andrea and Alex B: Update the Campus Directory Binder
  3. Update game inventory: Olivia and Wes

Canceled Ski Trip

Hey Folks!

We just got a call that the ski/snowboarding trip is being canceled because of the weather. Lydia is emailing all of the people signed up and they'll be coming to the desk to get their money back, so just highlight their name on the roster when they come in and do that.
